
An anecdote about irradiance

A good reminder about why color scientists care so much about light sources.

Editing zone maps with user-selected regions

Sometimes you just need to tweak things by hand.

Using the dichromat package to check if your plot is colorblind-friendly

How to use the dichromat package to quickly simulate how a color palette would look to colorblind viewers.

Recolorize & patternize workflow

How to combine the recolorize and patternize packages to perform quantitative color pattern analyses.

Image trees

One of the most direct ways to tell whether or not your image analysis is working is to plot your images themselves as points in your result plots, which is usually easier said than done.

Function gallery for recolorize

A copy of the recolorize function gallery vignette.

Introduction to recolorize

A copy of the recolorize introductory vignette.

Modifying pixel plots

How to make prettier, more flexible plots of pixels in color space.

Recolorize: Color-based image segmentation (for people with other things to do)

Demo of recolorize, a package for color segmentation.


An R package for quantitative color comparisons.